Since January 2021 we’ve been working to convert all our product packaging to ensure it is 100% re-cyclable and eco friendly. Firstly a huge big thank you to all that have ordered our stencils unpackaged, You have so far saved the use of over 65000 cello bags. All tapes used since August are 100% eco plant based (zero plastic) and 100% bio-degradable, our jiffy and postal bags are made from re-cycled products and can be easily re-split for recycling again.
Rather than using chemical based Inks & Toner which harm our enviroment - all our printing inks are now vegetable based. All card/paper is from FSC & PEFC certified sources.
Our stamp packaging contains zero plastic and is 100% paper based and is FSC certified made with materials from well-managed forests and/or recycled sources.
Our new packaging might not look as pretty-shiney as other manufacturers packaging but we’re doing our part for the environment, the world, our children and grandchildrens futures.
Did you know the Craft industry uses some of the most wasteful packaging! Cello bags are classed as thin film and although we ourselves use 100% recyclable cellos they are one of the least recycled products and most end up in landfill. Some supermarkets have signed up to the 'Soft Plastics' recycling scheme where you can take your cello bags for recycling (most local authority kerbside collections do not currently accept these).
Once we have completed the change over you will receive your items as follows:
We will be giving you the choice.